Lincoln Seasonal Temperatures:  1887 to Present


Listed by Season both chronologically and ranked 


NOTE: Climatologists AND Meteorologists do NOT use astronomical
seasons for their data analysis. They instead use the calendar months for seasons.


Winter is December 1-February 28 (29) and not December 21 -March 21.
is April 1-May 31 and not March 21 -June 21.
is June 1-August 31 and not June 21- September 21.
is September 1 - November 30 and not September 21 -December 21.

Lincoln Winter Temperature Averages 1887-88 through 2009-10
Lincoln Winter Temperature Averages RANKED 1887-88 through 2009-10
Lincoln Spring Temperature Averages 1887 through 2010
Lincoln Spring Temperature Averages RANKED 1887 through 2010
Lincoln Summer Temperature Averages 1887 through 2010
Lincoln Summer Temperature Averages RANKED 1887 through 2010
Lincoln Autumn Temperature Averages 1887 through 2009
Lincoln Autumn Temperature Averages RANKED 1887 through 2009

All of the data on this page are from the official NWS data archives for Lincoln, NE

Additional data for Lincoln, NE can be found at the HPRCC web site.


Applied Climate Science 
School of Natural Resources